Pawnee welcomes all volunteers. All volunteers are required to complete training at the District Office. For more information, click here. WatchDOGS (Dads Of Great Students) is sponsored by the National Center for Fathering and is designed to build the presence of dads (father-figures) in our schools. Pawnee WatchDOGS is a program that looks to get men actively and positively involved in the lives of our Pawnee Panthers. Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, etc. are encouraged to donate one day from work to become a Pawnee DOGS (Dad of Great Student). It will be an opportunity for all of our students to see positive male role models and for our community dads to become a big part of Pawnee. For more information on the program, go to the link below. If you are ready to become a DOG, please call our office (993-4300) to schedule a day. |